DU` Theatre Group

“ To perform, effect, transact, bring about, work at, work out, provide and prepare”

Il-Genn li jzommni f'sikti - 2008

St James Cavalier,
Valletta Malta

Simone Spiteri
Magda van Kuilenburg
Franica Pulis
Victoria Vella

"Dak gurdien xih. Tarah kwiet kwiet, imma marjamadunni ma tridx tafdah harira..."
Kuncett gossiping about Trevor Zahra

Du` Theatre Group was invited to perform during the launch of Il-Genn li jzommni f'sikti, the autobiography of established Maltese author, Trevor Zahra. Four members of the group read and animated parts of the autobiography as well as bringing to life, one of the oldest (and probably earliest) duo created by Zahra: Kuncett (Magda) and Marinton (Victoria).

Another book was launched during the same night, Il-Hajja Sigrieta tan-Nanna Genoveffa, parts of which were performed by actors Marcelle Teuma (Genoveffa) and Joseph Galea (Genoveffa's grandson).


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